
Broken Heart or Broken-Open Heart?

If you or someone you love needs hope and help to move through their
grief, this book offers tools for both hope and healing. The sacred soil of sorrow can be rich with blessings, but only if you use it to grow. If you are willing to embrace your broken-open heart, you’ll find wholeness, joy, and laughter await you. You will be lifted into a state of grace and gratitude which may seem impossible and out of reach at the beginning of the journey.

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Can One Message Change a Life? A City? The World?

One message can change a life. Timing is everything, of course. That message could come in the form of a parking space being rudely grabbed by another driver, words in a song that you have heard many times, or a glance at a magazine or newspaper story that tugs at your attention and beacons that the words you see mean more than they say on paper. They may mean the world to you at that moment. The key lies in noticing.

Infinite Potential

Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of Physicist David Bohm

INFINITE POTENTIAL tells the story of the man Einstein called his “spiritual son” and the Dalai Lama his “science guru.” A brilliant physicist and explorer of consciousness, Bohm’s profound insights into the underlying nature of reality and the interconnectedness of the universe and our place within it are truly far-reaching. Bohm proposed a theory unifying relativity and quantum mechanics, two seemingly-opposed explanations of observable phenomena. Why was this revolutionary thinker shunned by mainstream scientists of his day?


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