Broken Heart

Reject Rejection

Many children live with a deep belief that they are inadequate, not accepted, and unable to be valued and loved.

Such internal beliefs dictate how the child perceives the world and relationships. Rejection is the opposite of acceptance, and many children experience more of this than the acceptance they desire and need.

For adopted and foster children, the life story of rejection is well known. Rejection is not conveyed directly with actions or words; it is also expressed in the absence of things.

Be Kind

The Selfish Benefits of Unselfish Acts

When we think about how to be happy, we often ask “How can I help myself?”. One less obvious question, and perhaps a far more important one, is “How can I help someone else?”. That might sound idealistic or naïve, but it’s actually a great way to boost self-confidence and motivation. Helping others doesn’t just make them happier, it also makes us happier. When you need a boost in morale, your best bet may be to extend a hand to someone who needs it.

Post Institute

Love-Based Family-Centered Parenting

Some people worry that love-based parenting means allowing your child to wreak havoc with no boundaries. This is a misconception.

Love-based parenting is founded on neuroscience and child development.

We must understand that a child’s behavior is a means of communication of an internal state and needs connection with a safe and mature adult. This connection, which is how we love and experience love, can help calm this state, and over time, build the response in the brain for self-soothing and relationships. It’s about teaching without fear or punishment. — Kristi Saul


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