behavior feedback loop

Behavior Feedback Loops Pt. 3

This article covers the inherant behavioral feedback loops that get established through the emotional consious or unconsious triggers (stimulus) that casue learned behviors (reactions) for good or for bad. The term neurophysiologic refers to both body and mind. We have body/mind feedback loops that are both positive and negative. Scientific research has measured how we communicate and are connected on a cellular level.

Emotional Mindfulness Helps Improve Brain’s Executive Function—Willpower

We have emotions for a reason. Anger in response to injustice can signal that the situation needs to change;
sadness in response to loss can signal that we’d like to keep the people we love in our lives.

Previous research has shown that mindfulness can be an effective tool to help regulate our emotions. But why? A new model suggests that the ability to control one’s behavior—a concept that researchers call executive control—may play a role.


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